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Dive Right In


  • Paper

  • Drawing Materials

  • Music

Album Art: Service

Choose at least 5 songs to create a playlist. These songs can be by different musicians from different times. Once you've created your playlist, choose a name for it. Try to create a name that includes elements of the different artists and song titles. Once named, create an album cover inspired by these artists and songs. 


I named my album 'Morning Bliss' after several of the songs which included morning themes such as 'sunrise' and 'coffee'. I gave it the look of a sun and at the same time the look of a record as a nod to Etta James whose song 'At Last' was on my playlist as well. 


I cannot wait to see and hear what you all create! Please post the names of your songs along with your final work onto google classroom or seesaw!

Album Art: Text
Album Art: Video
Album Art: Video
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